500 AI Credits
In-app currency for using codi to generate answers. (Non expiry)
1500 AI Credits
In-app currency for using codi to generate answers. (Non expiry)
3 LLM Tokens
Premium currency for activating LLMs in app
10 LLM Tokens
Premium currency for activating LLMs in app
Premium Subscription
Everything you need to get started
- 500 x AI Credits
- 10 x LLM tokens (One time)
- 3 x Code spaces (One time)
- Unlimited use of Base models
- Reduced cost of Premium models
Ultimate Subscription
Take your game to the next level
- 1500 x AI Credits
- 25 x LLM tokens (One time)
- 5 x Code spaces (One time)
- Unlimited use of Base and Premium models
- Reduced cost of Ultimate models