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🤖Codi's React Resource List
Coding moves really quickly, and it can be hard to keep up. We're using this list to save the interesting resources we find for each language.
If you find something great that I missed, please tweet us:@assistivai
Material-UI A popular React UI framework with a set of components that implement Google's Material Design. | components ui material-design |
Ant Design A design system for enterprise-level products, offering a set of high-quality React components. | components ui enterprise |
React Bootstrap Bootstrap rebuilt for React, providing a set of components that follow Bootstrap's design. | components ui bootstrap |
State Management
Redux A predictable state container for JavaScript apps, often used with React. | state-management javascript |
MobX A simple, scalable state management solution that makes state management in React applications easy. | state-management javascript |
Recoil A state management library for React that provides a way to manage global state with minimal boilerplate. | state-management react |
React Router The standard routing library for React, enabling dynamic routing in web applications. | routing react |
Reach Router A small, simple router that emphasizes accessibility and performance. | routing react accessibility |
Form Handling
Formik A popular library for building forms in React with validation and error handling. | forms react validation |
React Hook Form A performant library for managing forms using hooks. | forms react hooks |
Yup A schema builder for value parsing and validation, often used with Formik. | validation forms |
Styled Components A library for styling components using tagged template literals. | styling css-in-js |
Emotion A performant and flexible CSS-in-JS library. | styling css-in-js |
Tailwind CSS A utility-first CSS framework that can be easily integrated with React. | styling css utility |
Jest A delightful JavaScript testing framework with a focus on simplicity. | testing javascript |
React Testing Library A lightweight solution for testing React components without relying on implementation details. | testing react |
Enzyme A testing utility for React that makes it easier to test your components' output. | testing react |
Performance Optimization
React.memo A higher-order component that memoizes the result of a component to prevent unnecessary re-renders. | performance react |
React.lazy Allows you to dynamically import components to reduce the initial load time of your application. | performance react code-splitting |
React Profiler A tool to measure the performance of your components. | performance react profiling |
Development Tools
Create React App A command-line tool to create new single-page React applications with no configuration. | development react boilerplate |
Storybook An open-source tool for developing UI components in isolation. | development ui components |
React DevTools An extension for Chrome and Firefox that allows you to inspect the hierarchy of your React components. | development debugging browser-extension |
Official React Documentation The official guide to get started with React. | documentation react official |
FreeCodeCamp's Full Course on React An introductory course on React. | tutorial react beginner |
Scrimba With over 140 coding challenges and eight projects, this course allows you to build practical skills while learning the fundamentals of modern React. | react interactive projects course |
Egghead.io A concise, video-based course that covers essential React concepts. | react video beginner course |
Traversy Media A popular YouTube crash course that introduces beginners to React through practical examples and projects. | react youtube crash course tutorial |
Epic React A comprehensive course by Kent C. Dodds that covers everything from React fundamentals to advanced topics like Hooks, performance optimization, and testing. | react course advanced comprehensive |
Codecademy's Learn React An interactive course that teaches you the basics of React, including components, state management, and hooks. Ideal for beginners who prefer hands-on learning with instant feedback. | react interactive beginner course |
30 Days of React A structured challenge that guides you through building a complete React application over 30 days. | react challenge learning project |
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